APAC Pharmaceuticals Joint Stock Company was previously known as Phoenix Pharma Co., Ltd, incorporated in 2002. In the beginning APAC PHARMA concentrated on developing the wholesale market of imported medicines, local medicines, medical devices & equipment.
Over many year of business, APAC Pharma has experienced tremendous growth. We have expanded our business with Chief of Representative in Turkey, Podland and Italy in order to cooperate better with our foreigner partners.
Currently, APAC PHARMA is a partner and/or exclusive distributor for many major pharmaceutical companies from Italy, Greece, Turkey, Taiwan, Korea, Thailand, Indonesia, Bangladesh and also many private and state owned local companies in Vietnam. We and our partner are compliance with WHO-GMP – GLP – GSP standards.
In Vietnam, APAC PHARMA co-operates with many associated companies and also many major central and district hospitals to assured our products supplied directly to the hospitals and the end-users.
Our Mission
- Conducting business with honesty, morality and social responsibility.
- Focus on supplying good quality products and contribute to improve the health of the community.
Our Goal
- To become a leading pharmaceutical company within Vietnam and South East Asia.